I love you guys. I love hearing from the mother that baked cookies that made her child smile. I love getting the email from someone that made a successful loaf of gluten-free bread, for the first time. I love hearing the comments about how the pictures made you drool & your tummy rumble. I love it all. And because I love you guys, I thought…what can I get them for Christmas? Because of the sheer volume of people, anything that required shipping would never work. And what if I got the size or colour wrong? How embarrassing. So, I started thinking. Then it hit me… an e-book! What would be better for my fellow GF eaters than a cookbook, that could be downloaded (really saves shipping charges that way), and it would have all kinds of recipes for baking during the holiday. However, to really pull it off, I needed help. A call went out, and many of you, both fellow bloggers and readers alike, chipped in, and helped me to create this fantastic Gluten-free Holiday Baking e-book with over 35 recipes. So, without further ado, I want to say to you…Happy Holidays! Thank you for sticking around, for comments and emails, that let me know that I’m not just talking to myself here. By clicking the above image, you will be taken to Google Documents. You do NOT need a Google account to be able to download the e-book, no worries. You WILL need Adobe Reader to view it though. Once the document opens up in Google Docs, you can either open as a PDF in Adobe Reader, print it, or save it to your hard drive. It’s your choice. I think I may save it to a memory stick, and see if I can get it printed out at Staples, 2 sided, and bound. I know I’ll need all these recipes in my kitchen! If you have any problems, just email me at jeanine (at) thebakingbeauties (dot) com and I’ll see what I can do to help you out. Thank you so much to all the contributors, make sure you check out their blogs as well. There is a LOT of great food on these GF food blogs, so there is no reason any of us should feel left out this holiday season.
New 2010 Gluten-Free Holiday Baking E-Book – Download it Now!
Aine Olson
Amy Green – AmyGreen.me
Annette Ross
Beth Maurer
Carla Spacher – www.glutenfreerecipebox.com
Carol – www.easytobeglutenfree.com
Carolyn Ketchum – www.dreamaboutfood.com
Deb Steel
Grace Good – www.gracefullyglutenfree.blogspot.com
Jeanine Friesen – Faithfully Gluten Free
Jeanne Sauvage – www.artofglutenfreebaking.com
Johnna Perry – In Johnna’s Kitchen
Kathleen Duquette – www.imadetoast.com
Kathryn Hogan
Lady Fire-Eyes
Linda Etherton – www.glutenfreehomemaker.com
Maggie Savage – www.SheLetThemEatCake.com
Nancy Guppy – www.chapmanslanding.blogspot.com
Sara Jeanne Burke
Sarah Roberson – www.lifeisstillsweet.com
Shoshana Ohriner – www.couldntbeparve.com
Tamara Wheeler
From our homes to yours…Have a Blessed Holiday Season!
celeste says
Thank You! What a wonderful gift. I can't wait to try every recipe.
kathryn says
The e-book is Beautiful Jeanine!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together!There's such a variety!I can't decide which one to try first!
Happy Holidays to All !!!
Mama Bird says
Wow! How incredibly generous! I've only recently found your site, but I think it's great. Thank you so much for this!
Carol@easytobeglutenfree says
Thank you for putting this together and for allowing me to be part of it. And thanks for all you do for the gluten free community.
Carla Spacher says
You're a doll, Jeanine! Happy Holidays to you, you create wizard!
Gluten Free Shiksa says
You're the best! I love this!
Carolyn - What Life Dishes Out says
Thanks and Happy Holidays to you as well! Now, who do I see about the 5 pounds I just gained looking at the recipes?!?! 🙂
Lenice says
Thank you so much for the ebook. I appreciate any recipes that make me feel like I am eating "normal".
Linda says
Thanks for putting this together and for including my recipes!
Carolyn says
It looks great, Jeanine. You did a wonderful job and I am so glad I got to be a part of it. I know so many people who will love the recipes in this!
Amanda says
This is my first year being Gluten Free. My Mom is concerned about how to help make it gluten free for me and still have the rest of the family be willing to eat the food. I'm hoping to make a couple of GF dishes that everyone will want even if they can eat gluten just to show them that being gluten free isn't so bad. Your generosity in providing a free holiday booklet is just the kind of help I need! Thank you soooo much. And know that your time to try new foods and blog about it is very useful and appreciated by many of us out here that may never leave a comment. Thanks again.
Kim - Cook It Allergy Free says
What an awesome book you put together! How cool! And such a great collection of recipes! Thanks so much for doing this and for giving it away! 😉
Tyann says
Thank you! I've already tried many of your recipes and loved them all. I can't wait to get cooking!
Elizabeth. says
Congratulations, this is such a brilliant idea. I work in a wholefoods store (as in, a store that sells wholefoods, not a Wholefoods supermarket) and we have a LOT of customers who go gluten-free for all kinds of reasons.
Would it be all right to print out a couple of copies to give to my customers?
Sherylyn says
THanks so much for this, I plan to print and bound it for my mom's xmas stocking (she has celiacs)and for my own use too! What a lovely giftto al of us :).My oly wish is that every recipe had a picture, not to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, I just love the pictures.
marshowl says
Jeanine thank you so much for doing this, and giving it away no less. You are awesome. Cant wait to try out the recipes.
gfe--gluten free easily says
Thanks to you, Jeanine, and your contributors, too! I'll pass on the link to my support group members. They'll love this e-book! 🙂
Maggie says
It looks so great Jeanine! Thank you for putting it together for us and sharing it with everyone! I'll be sharing a link to it on my next blog post (later this week)!
I Am Gluten Free says
Jeanine – this is just amazing. What a generous and thoughtful and timely post. Thank you! I will be sure to pass this on to the students who come to my gluten free baking classes.
Katie Chalmers says
Thank you so much for the time and effort that went into making such a great e-book. And thanks to everyone who shared their favorite holiday recipes. Will definitely pass the word along about this…
Sophie says
I just downloaded it & printed it!! These gf recipes are just amazing & are perfectly layed out!!
Thanks again for this lovely presentation & that is is free too! You ROCK!!!
Jonatha says
Thank you so much! My daughter was recently diagnosed with gluten intolerance which may be celiac (no biopsy yet), and I have been trying to figure out the best goodies to make for Christmas – thank you for solving my dilemma! I am linking to your post on my blog 🙂 Can't wait to start baking with my daughter!!!
Amy @ Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free says
I'm honored to be included in this project. And, yes, I agree with everyone else, Jeanine – you did a fantastic job.
I'm sharing this with my readers tomorrow.
Tasty Eats At Home says
This is so great! And what a great list of contributors! Cant wait to check it out.
sandra says
what is your opinion on when to use superfine rice flours, better batter brand flour or just a combo of readily available gf flours? I have been using brown and white, sorghum, teff, garfava, garbanzo, millet, almond and pecan, tapioca and potato starches…there is so much hubbub about the superfine flours but the cost (+SHIPPING) IS CRAZY and lots of bloggers are into the betterbatter mix alot again lately. you are an accomplished baker and cook and was wonderinmg if you would share how you decide what to use when approaching a recipe.
Jeanine says
Wow, thank you all for the kind words. I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying the e-book. When you try recipes in it, please let us know how they worked for you & what kinds of changes you made.
Elizabeth, you most certainly can print out the e-book and give it to your customers. As long as it's FREE! 🙂
Sandra, honestly, I use what I can get my hands on. I have regular ole "brown rice flour". I would like to try some of those preblended flours, but since I'd have to pay shipping, and higher charges on everything, I buy what I can locally and use it. I haven't got it all figured out, I know it could use some tweaking, but it works well for me. I haven't ever noticed a texture problem due to using "regular" brown rice flour, sometimes it has more to do with the wrong amount of xanthan gum, not enough liquid, etc. So, if I had it available to me, I might give it a try. But, since I don't, I don't fret, just make do with what you got. 🙂
Thank you so much for all the kind comments, you guys rock!
Karen says
Thank you for a wonderful collection of goodies I can eat and won’t make me upset or worse, fat ! I will probably substitute stevia and coconut flour for the sugar and starchy flours that’s in them to keep the Christmas bulge from appearing. But this is a good start to going totally sugar free and gluten free ! Merry Christmas to you and yours ! <3
Jennifer says
Just made peanut brittle for the first time. Yum! Thank you!
Angela McGhee says
Thank you so much for all of these! Everything I have tried so far has been wonderful! My celiac son just told me this morning that the cinnamon rolls are even better than what he remembers pre-celiac! This has been a difficult road for us and we’re still working to make everyone’s tummies feel better (3 of my 4 kids have celiac so we’re all gluten free!) and this website has been a tremendous help in letting them all feel “normal” again!
Jeanine Friesen says
Thank you so much for the comment, Angela! It’s my pleasure! 🙂 I love reading comments like this – THAT is why I do what I do! 🙂