Hello, Readers! Wow, what a busy few weeks it’s been! I hope you guys are all enjoying the summer, and that everyone enjoyed a great Canada Day or Independence Day, or even a Saturday if none of the above apply to you. 🙂 We attempted a camping trip this past weekend, which did not go well. The first day there our youngest woke up with a fever & wasn’t feeling well. I drove the 200 km back home with him. The next day, he was begging to go back to the campsite, so another 200 km back to the campground, where we’d left the rest of the family. Then back home the next day…it wasn’t the best camping trip we’ve ever had, that’s for sure. But I’m sure it will be memorable, and I guess that’s what counts.
We are also preparing our house to try to sell it. My husband got a new job, and it is further away. He is spending 3 hours per day in the car right now, and that’s just too much for us. With school out, we figured it would be the perfect time to move. However, after living here for the past 11 years, we’ve pretty much accumulated stuff in every nook & cranny this 2,300 sq ft has! So, that is where my mind has been lately. I have still been doing some cooking & baking, but the other day I had 2 BAD flops in one morning. It happens to all of us, huh? 🙂
Anyways, that’s where I’ve been lately, I hope that you all are doing well & enjoying browsing through some of the older recipes while I’ve been away. I made this syrup a while ago already. Our yard is no longer covered in the yellow flowers, now it’s onto the pretty small flowers of clover already. However, I know we’ll be having the yellow bloom one more time before the fall comes, so I will share this recipe with you anyway. This syrup was actually really quite delicious. It had a bit of an earthy flavour to it. My 3 year old loves it on his pancakes. I’ve been told it tastes similar to dandelion honey. If you have a pesticide free field of yellow, give this recipe a try!

Dandelion Syrup
- 250 pesticide free dandelion tops (give or take a few)
- 1 lemon
- 4 cups water
- 2 pounds granulated sugar
Source: 5 Orange Potatoes
Sophie says
Good luck on finding a new home, how fun! I admire your hubby for being able to stand that long drive! My goodness. Glad you all had a fun camping trip and that your son's doing better.
Now, I knew I had to check this out when it came up on my blogger feed. The name sounds intensely delicious and it looks so good!
Colleen says
Oh, Jeanine — I wish you the best as you try to get the house ready to sell! What a crazy adventure that will be!
And thanks for the recipe. Sometimes we joke that our neighbor cultivates dandelions and our yard inevitably joins in on the fun. Maybe now something tasty can come out of that field of yellow.
Enjoy your summertime, my friend! After a LONG and WET June, we are hoping for summer and sunshine here in Maine…
betty r says
Dandelion syrup? It does look very good Jeanine although I've never tried it.
The best to you on your move and esp the getting ready for it!!
Jeanine says
Sophie, the drive is rough, so the house hunting is being done kinda quickly. Plus, it's summer, perfect time to change schools. 🙂
Colleen, loved that you found plans for an Ark. Sure hope you don't have to use them anytime soon!! Get the kids out there picking dandelions, I even found a recipe for dandelion cookies (same source as the syrup recipe).
Betty, thanks for the well wishes. I've made pretty good progress today, have one pile for garbage, another for thrift store, and everything else is getting tidied up. And we're looking at coming to your side of the river, so maybe you'll have to come for coffee then! 😉
Katy says
Yum! What a fun idea. I've never heard of dandelion syrup. I've had dandelion wine and it was surprisingly good. Best of luck with the house!
Amy Green says
This is a new food for me but it looks yummy. And, yes, your dandelion picker is adorable. 🙂
Iris says
Are you moving in my direction???
We just moved too. Just a couple of miles away from our last house, and into a rental while we build our new house close by (which means I get to move again in about 6 months). I don't enjoy moving but it sure is nice to have the motivation to go through all of our "stuff" and get rid of what we don't need after all.
All the best as you move and look for a new place.
Jeanine says
Hey Iris, send me an email, OK? I can't find your address anymore. 🙁
Eliana says
This syrup sounds delicious. Now I want to find some dandelion to make it.
The Gluten-free 'Dish' says
This is new to me! I have never heard of dandelion syrup and I find it a very interesting combination. Dandelion is wonderful for detoxification so I keep thinking about this recipe even though I don't eat sugars. You have got my brain thinking about this!
CinnamonQuill says
Wow; how cool! I wonder if I'll be able to find dandelions at the farmer's market again later in the season. This would be so unique to make!
mothersson2002 says
I made this so very elicious syrup last year with white organic sugar. I wonder if anyone has made it with stevia or partial stevia.. Because less steiva is use as an equivalent to traditional sugar, would it produce a syrup?
drOlga says
This is great. I have grown up with my “Aunt” making dandelion syrup in the summers. This is a regular spring activity for my kids now in the spring time, as we enjoy the waking up of earth as it produces all kinds of edible weeds. Although our recipe was even less sophisticated. We would just bring to a boil the dandelions yellow parts, simmer for 10 minutes, strain. The liquid would be the syrup and what was in the strainer, we called the dandelion jam. Not everyone likes the jam, but syrup never lasted for more than a few days in our family, goes great over GF waffles.