We use quite a bit of Catalina salad dressing at our house. Mostly when we have taco salad. When I had that on the menu for the evening, and realized that I didn’t have any dressing at home, I looked into my cookbooks. I found this recipe in one of those wonderful Church compilation cookbooks. You have to love it when everyone puts in their favorite recipes. 🙂
We did find this dressing to be a little bit too sweet, but it also had a nice zip to it. The cost of making this compared to buying, now means that we’re making our dressing from now on. It made 1 cup of dressing, and it stores well in the fridge. The dressing is also very thick, which is nice as well, it clings to your salad well. 🙂

Catalina Salad Dressing
- 1/2 cup oil
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup white vinegar
- 1/3 cup ketchup
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon celery salt
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
betty r says
I love it when I can make my own dressing or whatever it is..the cost is really reduced and you know exactly what’s in your product. I’ll make this the next time I make a taco salad.
• friX • says
You’ve got excellent timing! I’ve bought myself some fancy Lavender Balsam Vinegar yesterday, and I’m dying to try out different dressings! On top of that, I’ve got absolutely no experience with dressings, so any recipe or tips are welcome 🙂
NA says
My husband has always loved Catalina, so I just HAD to try this one. It turned out really nice, a little different because I did not have celery salt or lemon juice and had to improvise a little. I also cut back on the sugar thanks to your warning, and I used my own homemade catsup. NOTE: it really does pay to let this keep on blending in the blender as it gets this lovely creamy consistency that makes it stick to your salad better. It was delicious!
Leah Skinner says
I am so excited to see this recipe! My family has long been gluten free but with one of my kids still having issues, I found out he was allergic to corn, soy, wheat, peanut, walnut, etc…. Removing corn is really difficult and then there is soy in everything too! One thing he misses is Russian dressing, which in the US is slightly less sweet than Catalina. I think he will be in Heaven! Thank you for this recipe.
Jeanine says
Nice! I would definitely cut back on the sugar a bit then, I even find this one to be just a little bit too sweet (but the kids like it). Glad that I could help!